In celebration of the release of the new website I will be doing a giveaway.

This giveaway does have some prerequisites, however for every 5 people who do this; I will add a new item to the giveaway.

What you have to do to qualify for the giveaway is:

1. Sign up to the website

2. Introduce yourself on our brand new forum – tell us about yourself, what games you like to play and of course any suggestions or requests for the website.

A relatively easy thing to do. For every 5 people who sign up and make an introduction post, another item will be added to the giveaway.

After 5 people sign up and introduce themselves, I will give away a weapon skin for CS GO. An AK-47 Redline (Field Tested) to be specific. redline

After another 5 people sign up I’ll add an M4a4 X-ray (Factory New) to the giveaway.  xray

At the end of each week I’ll do the giveaway based on how many people have signed up. Either way you’ll have a 20% chance to win a decently valued skin.

I realise this giveaway is aimed at new people. So for existing members we’ll be giving away a copy of Saints Row 4 and an AWP Redline (Well Worn) redlineww

All you guys have to do is make a new topic on the new forum and at the end of the week, the community likes will determine who has the best topic. They will win the prizes.

Have fun :)